Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Winter Island on the last day of winter!

So good to see the sun again after a week of brutal cold weather and wild winds. The snow has melted and tomorrow is the official first day of spring. 

We took our dog over to Winter Island, Waikiki Beach for some much needed Vitamin Sea and D. Gorgeous day - a tad cold but you can tell that spring is on its way.

Tidepools - lots of snails and seaweed. There were so many slipper seashells on the beach today. A few European Oyster shells, clams and rocks. No Moon Snail shells. Maybe the weather will allow us to go to Sandy Point Beach in Ipswich this weekend - that is where the good moon shells are!

Say it with me in a Boston accent... Laaaabstah trap!

Wishing all a very happy last day of Winter from Winter Island, Salem MA!

Visit our online shoppe for magical jewelry and art inspired by the sea and nature of Salem MA. https://whispersoftheofae.com

Big Jewelry Sale!

All Wishing Bubble Wand Necklaces and Earrings  25% OFF through July 13th, 2019 Handcrafted with semiprecious stones, crystals, f...