Sunday, January 27, 2019

Swan Lake....

Yesterday there were 5 swans gliding across the water at Collins Cove in Salem MA. A magical sight and omen! Way too difficult to photograph them with my phone. 

Swans represent magic especially winter magic. They are cold weather birds. And they mate for life. How romantic!

So many fairy tales have swans in them - no wonder since they are so ethereal and seem to come from another realm. This lovely website goes into details about Swan totems and the symbolism of swan magic. Love these messages!

I have seen a few swans over at Derby Wharf but never here at Collins Cove. So i take it as a good omen that these magical beings, perhaps angels appeared. 

Swan Soul Mates Tea Infuser

Genuine semiprecious Pink Rose Quartz with bronze swan couple charm on a stainless steel tea ball infuser. Just in time for Valentine's Day!

Rose Quartz is known as the stone of love - all types of love! Unconditional love, romantic love, spiritual love, self-love, family love, love of mankind and Angelic love. It is known to calm the mind and relief stress. Wearing Rose Quartz is like taking an ethereal bubble bath. It is also said to be a stone of fertility.

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